The lottery is a form of gambling where people have the opportunity to win a prize by chance. The prize can be anything from money to property or even a position in a sports team. This form of gambling has a long history. In the past, the government has used it to raise funds for different purposes. For example, it has been used to help the poor. Today, the lottery is a common way to raise money for public programs. However, many people are concerned about the impact that lottery can have on society. Regardless of the criticism, the lottery is an effective way to raise money.
In the short story The Lottery, Jackson presents a small town where the residents participate in a traditional lottery ritual. Despite not knowing the reason behind this ritual, the villagers continue to follow it blindly. The story is a reminder that we can easily fall into old habits and traditions. It is important to question authority and the motives behind those in power.
The villagers gather in the center of the square. The man who represents authority, Mr. Summers, begins by stirring up the black box that contains the lottery tickets. It is suggested that this black box has been around for a very long time, and the villagers respect it because of its age. They also believe that it contains a piece of the original lottery paraphernalia, which has been lost over time.
When the lottery is drawn, the villagers begin to select their numbers from the pile of stones prepared earlier. They then open their papers to see if they have won. Little Dave’s paper is blank, and so are Nancy’s and Bill’s. Tessie’s paper has a black spot, so she is the winner.
After everyone has selected their numbers, the narrator says that it is time to announce the results. A general sigh is heard as the villagers look down at their papers. Tessie pleads with the narrator to change the outcome, but it is to no avail. The narrator then forces the mute Tessie to reveal her ticket, which she does reluctantly.
As is obvious from the example of Tessie, lotteries often scapegoat vulnerable groups within society. Studies show that the majority of lottery players and revenue come from middle-income neighborhoods. In contrast, low-income residents do not play the lottery as frequently. The fact that these two groups are treated differently in terms of their participation in the lottery is indicative of social inequality and class biases.
The Lottery demonstrates that, no matter how much we try to make the world fair, there will be people who will suffer from oppressive traditions. It is essential to understand that scapegoating can happen anywhere, at any time. It is a reminder that we must always be willing to challenge the status quo and fight against injustice. The mass incarceration of African Americans and the profiling of Muslims after 9/11 are modern examples of this phenomenon.